UML for beginners

Martina Seidl, Marion Scholz (ehem. Brandsteidl), Christian Huemer, Gerti Kappel.
UML@Classroom, Springer Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science 2015.

UML@Classroom emerged from the experiences we have gained over the years in the course “Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling” at the Vienna University of Technology. UML@Classroom, published by dpunkt.verlag, is a learning book and a textbook. We are aimed both at those readers who want to learn UML in a compact form, as well as at teachers, to whom we offer inspiration for their own exercises with our extensive repertoire of examples. We orientate ourselves as much as possible on the UML standard and illustrate all concepts using clear examples.

UML@Classroom offers, among other things

  • a quick and successful introduction to the world of UML.
  • an overview of the concepts of UML for the “UML newbie”.
  • initial insights into the basics of object-oriented modeling.
  • effective and efficient learning of UML graphical notation and rules.
  • the introduction of the most important UML diagrams:
    • Use case diagram
    • Class diagram
    • State diagram
    • Sequence diagram
    • Activity diagram
  • insights into the interaction of the various diagrams.
  • clear, illustrative examples.
  • extensive supporting material.
  • the authors’ years of experience with UML in teaching and research in a compact form


UML@Classroom is published by Springer Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science 2015.


We welcome any feedback about the book, our teaching materials or the website. You can reach all authors at